Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hallway Etiquette

     1. Pace- If you're walking slower  than the kid with a broken leg then you deserve every shoe stepped on  & shoulder bump you receive.  Your class may be close by, but you should be considerate of those who have a longer trek.  I'm not saying you should be that kid that sprints to class, when they clearly have enough time to make it to class punctually, but come on y'all; There's a happy medium.
     2. Patience is a virtue-  This motto may seem to contradict number one, but there's no need to plow through a cross hall or any other crowded area.  This action will only lead to evil glares & bad first impressions.  If you're at a section in the hallway that is at a standstill, trying to nudge people along will only result in failure.  It will be more beneficial to you and those around you to wait your turn.
     3. Please don't be so surprised when a student attempting to get through the hall in a timely manner, walks through you and your significant other holding hands.  I'm not saying you should never hold hands, but just be more aware that you're creating a blockage that has the potential to take up half off the hall.
     4.  Be more aware of your surroundings-  Those lockers you and your friends stand in front of aren't empty, and the people staring at you patiently probably aren't just admiring your outfit.
     4a.  Don't turn the corner in the hallway when standing right next to a wall, there's usually someone walking the opposite way as you and an awkward collision is never fun.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Favorite things

    1. Running.  If you haven't ever heard me complaining about my after school hobby then chances are we've never spoken.  Running is a sport in which the majority of participants will admit their fondness to love to hate it.  Although the cons may frequently seem to outweigh the pros, I dare you to find a cheaper, more effective form of therapy.  The quote, "find your happy pace" could not describe my opinion towards running any more effectively.  Running is my go to stress reliever, and I can't picture solving daily dilemmas without it.
     2. Clothes.  The level of comfort that are a result of yoga pants will never compare to the feeling of picking out an outfit I'm proud to wear. The meager act of walking into Urban Outfitters, or a similar store, is enough to plaster a smile on my face for the remaining time period I stay in the store.  Some people say all you can expect in life is taxes and death;  The only thing I can be sure about in my future, is that my closet will never be complete.
     3. Reading.  Nothing keeps me up later at night more than a good book.  Reading transports the reader to a safe environment in which they can temporarily experience the emotions and experiences of the characters in the book.  It takes every bit of will power to discontinue reading my book every night, and not read it from cover to cover.  Books have given me the ability to experience time periods and locations I wouldn't otherwise be able to, and to understands perspectives unlike my own.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Student's perspective of Teachers' Misconceptions


1. Not completing homework-  The majority of the time I don't complete my homework it isn't because I'm unwilling or uninterested to learn the topic at hand.  My most sincere apologizes, but the three tests due the same day are a little higher up on my priority list than a homework grade.  Sometimes I'm concerned teachers are oblivious to the fact that their class is not the only important one you attend daily.  School starts at eight thirty, and drags on until three thirty.  No, the other classes we attend during the day aren't just study hall, lunch, and PE. There are four other teachers assigning the same amount of homework, or more to us daily.
     Maybe I did forget to do your homework, but that action doesn't directly correlate with me attempting to disrespect you, nor does it mean I don't care about the class.
2. Many student athletes require drinking up to a bottle of water every day to stay hydrated; this necessity leads to occasional visits to the water fountain/ bathroom.  Regardless of the law stating that a student cannot be denied when asking to go to the bathroom, the assumption that a student is attempting to be disrespectful is most likely a false accusation, as well as an uncomfortable one.  Shout out to every kid who when asked, "is it an emergency?", sat down and awaited class change.  Not only is this choice an unhealthy choice, but it is also a distraction to the student.  This common miscommunication switches from a five minute absence from class, to up to fifty minutes of a student's inability to give the teacher his/her undivided attention. No, we aren't five, this isn't an emergency, but it shouldn't have to be.
     The, "privilege" to leave class for a water/ restroom should not be withheld unless the student gives the teacher a valid reason to do so, such as: leaving for an unacceptable amount of time, proof the student is going somewhere besides where they asked, or when a student asks during an inappropriate time during class.

Easy Wardrobe Improvements

1. Statement necklaces- a big necklace can take transform a simple outfit to an awesome one.  Although it's a pricey investment, it can be worn with anything, and is worth whatever price you pay.
Some of my favorites:

2. solid color maxi skirt-  Perfect solution to anyone unsure of what to do with their crop tops. Pair it with a new maxi, and you've transformed a summer outfit to a fall one.  One new item results in x amount of new outfits, and an outfit that is both cute AND comfortable

3. add style to your norts with nike frees- boho headband and studs

Free People
4. Add a cashmere sweater to your favorite tank dresses- pair with tights and a cute scarf

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pet Peeves

     1. Two different forms of plaid in one outfit. I have yet to see someone accomplish rocking that, nor do I think I ever will.  Feel free to prove me wrong
     2. "I stayed up until twelve grading your papers last night."  I was up until one last week writing it, so sorry I'm not eternally grateful. If you aren't prepared to grade the assignment; News flash, feel free not to assign it. You're welcome. 
     3.  Please don't complain about receiving a low, "A" on a test after I just got finished admitting I failed it.  Sorry your GPA just dropped from a 4.2 to a 4.1.  Now no college will ever accept you.  Have fun living in a cardboard box; I heard McDonald's hiring 
     4.  Hating on Vegetarians.  It doesn't matter how many times you tell me eating meat is a normal lifestyle.. I will never be able to consume heated up, rotting flesh.  I don't feel right eating an object that once had the ability to walk and make noise.  (I'm fully prepared to be a self proclaimed hypocrite; I still eat seafood)
     5. "Wat r u doing?" If you aren't still shopping at Limited Two, dealing with voice cracks, and under 4'8'', please don't expect me to take you seriously.  It really does not take that much time to add a couple extra letters.  It might be time to reevaluate your life goals if you can't take the time to tell me you'll be right back, you love me, or in what manner you're laughing during an important conversation.
     6.  PDA-  I deserve the right to go to class in peace, without needing to avert my eyes constantly.  I'm glad you love each other, but please find a more appropriate place to do so.  I'm quite sure you can manage eating lunch with your hands at least moderately to yourself.
     7.  Really, you love him? You've known him for two whole weeks? Congratulations. Last week's cringe worthy experience; over hearing about a newly acquired fiance.  She had known him for two years, but met him because he was her ex-boyfriend's best friend, and her fiance and her had been dating for an entire month. Yes, he proposed to her on their one month anniversary. True love?  My meager common sense causes me to doubt that.
     8. Dress code-  If my bare shoulder is really that much of a distraction; you probably have more things you need to worry about.  My tights, shorts, knee highs, boots, tank top, and sweater are covering up a whole lot more than alot of my other, "dress code" outfits.  There are some outfits that I one hundred percent agree do not belong at school, but two inches below fingertip is not an accurate way to define whether or not the attire is school appropriate.
     9.  Dealing with relationship problems via social media. Regardless of if it is a friendship problem, or a romantic one, your 900 plus Facebook friends do not need to be involved in it, nor do they probably care.  Chances are you aren't that important.
     10. Using social media to discuss illegal activity.  Not only can I see that picture you just posted of your newly bought drug paraphernalia, but so can any person with the ability to google search your name, because chances are you didn't take the time to make your profile private.  Future bosses will love to read about how drunk you were last weekend. That'll sure give you an advantage when you apply for your summer job. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Four Eyes

     My childhood consisted of sitting front and center in class, squinting at approaching unknown figures, and convincing myself a misconception that altered my development socially and educationally; being legally blind doesn't mean I always have to wear my glasses.  My inability to get contacts was an ongoing fight between my parents and I.  They argued I wasn't responsible enough to take care of contacts(considering the fact that I broke/lost my glasses several times a year), and I continued to refuse to wear my glasses at school.  That decision is one that kept me from reading off the board ever, or knowing who enthusiastically called my name across a crowded hall.
     Finally, weeks before I turned seventeen, my parents agreed to allow me to get contacts.  I acquired the ability to use one of my five senses stress free.  Weeks after receiving my contacts, I still became awestruck as a result of scenic views I couldn't fully appreciate before.
     The novelty began to wear off, and the cons of getting contacts was constantly reiterated every morning and night when I fought to remove/insert the clear disk. The reality of, "The grass is always greener on the other side"  became apparent as I flipped through magazines, and became fond of the new fad;  glasses.  Of course after spending x amount of money on my contacts, my parents didn't warm up to my new found appreciation of the over priced Raybans or Channel glasses that quickly became my new obsession.  

     Solution: Warby Parker 

      My mom recently informed me of a new website with the latest style in glasses.  Not only are the glasses ninety five dollars, but the website also gives you the option to order five pairs to try on at home, and then send back the four you don't like.  No, the picture you viewed earlier is not me in the best glasses ever; it's me using the virtual try on feature.  I followed a few easy steps, and within five minutes I had the ability to try on every pair of glasses in every shade on the website in the comfort of my home.  As if the low price, and awesome frames weren't enough, every time you purchase a pair of glasses through Warby Parker, the company donates a pair of glasses to a child in need.  
     Within the next month, I plan on purchasing my own pair, and I'll keep ya'll updated on my experience with Warby Parker.